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Bathe to Basics 天然檸檬桉醇防蚊噴霧 Basic Bug Off Spray


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Bathe to Basics 天然檸檬桉醇防蚊噴霧 Basic Bug Off Spray
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出外郊遊最怕遇上蚊或蠓,除了令皮膚痕癢腫脹,更可能傳播疾病。市面上有很多驅蚊劑的選擇,含有DEET的產品的確能有效驅走蚊蟲,但亦可能對我們的身體引起不良反應!天然檸檬桉醇防蚊噴霧 Basic Bug Off Spray以純天然植物驅蚊配方製成,不含DEET,能有效驅除蚊及蠓長達2小時。當中的主要成分檸檬桉是唯一獲美國疾病預防控制中心確認跟DEET一樣有效的天然植物成分,它能混淆蚊子從而防止被叮咬。

  • 不含DEET,對兒童(3歲或以上)、孕婦和寵物安全。3歲以下兒童建議噴於衣物上,以避免小童接觸眼睛
  • 以提煉自檸檬桉樹油(15% PMD)的天然成分趕走蚊蟲
  • 水性配方,有效防蚊達2小時
  • 帶有薰衣草及檸檬草的天然香氣
  • 不含對羥基苯甲酸酯(殺菌劑)/石油副產品/丙二醇或丁二醇/月桂基硫酸鈉(起泡劑)/農藥/鄰苯二甲酸酯(塑化劑)/人造色素或合成香精/
  • 不經動物測試






純水、檸檬校醇(15%)、乙醇、1.3丙二醇、乙基己基甘油、對羥基萃乙酮,尿囊素、 薰衣草精油、檸檬草精油、雪松精油

Bathe to Basics

We officially established Bathe to Basics in 2011, but got the idea a year prior, when Gia got a chance to learn how to make natural soap from scratch. Both Gia and I loved handmade soap before we decided to create our own.

One of the biggest reasons why we started creating our own soap is because commercial products we found in the market caused us to have allergic reactions. Most of the handmade bar soaps back in the 2000s were more like handicrafts with pretty shapes, vibrant colors and strong fragrances. One day, Gia made a piece of bar soap using nothing more than olive oil: no extra additives or decoration. We tried it and found out it was amazing. We thought that this was something we need in our daily life, something simple, pure, natural and great for our skin and our environment. Then we started Bathe to Basics.

出外郊遊最怕遇上蚊或蠓,除了令皮膚痕癢腫脹,更可能傳播疾病。市面上有很多驅蚊劑的選擇,含有DEET的產品的確能有效驅走蚊蟲,但亦可能對我們的身體引起不良反應!天然檸檬桉醇防蚊噴霧 Basic Bug Off Spray以純天然植物驅蚊配方製成,不含DEET,能有效驅除蚊及蠓長達2小時。當中的主要成分檸檬桉是唯一獲美國疾病預防控制中心確認跟DEET一樣有效的天然植物成分,它能混淆蚊子從而防止被叮咬。

  • 不含DEET,對兒童(3歲或以上)、孕婦和寵物安全。3歲以下兒童建議噴於衣物上,以避免小童接觸眼睛
  • 以提煉自檸檬桉樹油(15% PMD)的天然成分趕走蚊蟲
  • 水性配方,有效防蚊達2小時
  • 帶有薰衣草及檸檬草的天然香氣
  • 不含對羥基苯甲酸酯(殺菌劑)/石油副產品/丙二醇或丁二醇/月桂基硫酸鈉(起泡劑)/農藥/鄰苯二甲酸酯(塑化劑)/人造色素或合成香精/
  • 不經動物測試






純水、檸檬校醇(15%)、乙醇、1.3丙二醇、乙基己基甘油、對羥基萃乙酮,尿囊素、 薰衣草精油、檸檬草精油、雪松精油

Bathe to Basics

We officially established Bathe to Basics in 2011, but got the idea a year prior, when Gia got a chance to learn how to make natural soap from scratch. Both Gia and I loved handmade soap before we decided to create our own.

One of the biggest reasons why we started creating our own soap is because commercial products we found in the market caused us to have allergic reactions. Most of the handmade bar soaps back in the 2000s were more like handicrafts with pretty shapes, vibrant colors and strong fragrances. One day, Gia made a piece of bar soap using nothing more than olive oil: no extra additives or decoration. We tried it and found out it was amazing. We thought that this was something we need in our daily life, something simple, pure, natural and great for our skin and our environment. Then we started Bathe to Basics.

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