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Azure Canvas 藍天畫布 有機棉紗布緹花大方毛巾 – 方塊

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Azure Canvas 藍天畫布 有機棉紗布緹花大方毛巾 – 方塊
Brand Info


    • 一面紗布一面毛巾
    • 這種結構連結織法兼具毛巾的極佳吸水能力,以及紗布的柔軟觸感及低棉絮等特色,是目前市面上極受歡迎的高級織品
    • 棉花由三年以上不使用農藥、不使用化學肥料的棉花田種植出來,通過嚴苛的國際有機認證
    • 無漂無染,只做弱精煉處理,將部分棉殼棉籽去除掉,仍保有些許棉花原有的原棉色
    • 不含螢光劑及甲醛等有害物質
    • 極佳吸水能力
    • 柔軟觸感,大小適中,適合當作隨身手帕使用
  • 棉布上有些許深褐色的棉殼屬正常現象,洗滌多次後會自動掉落,不影響使用
  • 因毛巾會直接接觸肌膚,新買來的毛巾請先下水清洗後再使用
  • 好的毛巾手感柔軟又吸水,因此毛圈長而鬆軟,所以下水時,棉纖維多少會有流失,因此洗滌或使用時有些許棉絮掉落是正常現象,建議將毛巾與其他衣物分開洗滌,以免衣物粘黏棉絮
  • 勿使用含漂白成分之洗衣劑,勿漂白,不可烘乾
  • 手洗最好,如必須機洗,請置於洗衣袋中
  • 請勿熨燙及乾洗 ,如必須熨燙請低溫熨燙
  • 請將毛巾保持乾燥,並置於通風處,以減低發霉狀況發生
顏色: 淺褐
材質: 100%有機棉
尺寸: 34 x 35cm
認證: 土耳其進口有機原棉 / OCS認證有機棉
產地: 台灣織造

Additional information


圓點, 方塊

Azure Canvas 藍天畫布

Azure Canvas Organic Cotton is a self-created brand of Azureland Organic Co., Ltd.. Founded in 2006, it is a social enterprise located in Taiwan. The brand spirit focuses on the development of organic cotton clothing and accessories, and promises the vision of “recovering the organic lands”. It is hoped that through the promotion and popularization of organic cotton, more cotton fields will be restored to organic fields, and a positive cycle of clean lands will be opened.
Based on his profound reflection on life, the founder came to his realization after more than ten years of tumbling in the technology industry, and turned to promote green consumption and environmental protection. He initiated from changing cotton products that use the most pesticides, and set restoring organic lands as the highest goal. He looked forward to more and more cotton-growing lands around the world joining organic farming by promoting the organic cotton market. This would achieve a triple win for cultivators, producing sellers and users, and thus gradually it would restore the lands to healthy organic lands.
The pollution of the earth’s environment caused by the high degree of industrialization and technological evolution in the past 100 years has been more than that was created in the history of the earth in the past ten thousands of years. Under the heavy use of pesticides and chemical substances, modern people have seen the damage of these chemicals to environment and lives from the surging cancer population and the generally allergic groups. The use of these harmful substances originates from the daily necessities we eat, drink and wear every day. If we switch to organic products, increase the number of organically cultivated crops and reduce the use of pesticides in farmland, we can reverse the trend of environmental poisoning. We invite you to wear organic cotton and create a clean earth together!


    • 一面紗布一面毛巾
    • 這種結構連結織法兼具毛巾的極佳吸水能力,以及紗布的柔軟觸感及低棉絮等特色,是目前市面上極受歡迎的高級織品
    • 棉花由三年以上不使用農藥、不使用化學肥料的棉花田種植出來,通過嚴苛的國際有機認證
    • 無漂無染,只做弱精煉處理,將部分棉殼棉籽去除掉,仍保有些許棉花原有的原棉色
    • 不含螢光劑及甲醛等有害物質
    • 極佳吸水能力
    • 柔軟觸感,大小適中,適合當作隨身手帕使用
  • 棉布上有些許深褐色的棉殼屬正常現象,洗滌多次後會自動掉落,不影響使用
  • 因毛巾會直接接觸肌膚,新買來的毛巾請先下水清洗後再使用
  • 好的毛巾手感柔軟又吸水,因此毛圈長而鬆軟,所以下水時,棉纖維多少會有流失,因此洗滌或使用時有些許棉絮掉落是正常現象,建議將毛巾與其他衣物分開洗滌,以免衣物粘黏棉絮
  • 勿使用含漂白成分之洗衣劑,勿漂白,不可烘乾
  • 手洗最好,如必須機洗,請置於洗衣袋中
  • 請勿熨燙及乾洗 ,如必須熨燙請低溫熨燙
  • 請將毛巾保持乾燥,並置於通風處,以減低發霉狀況發生
顏色: 淺褐
材質: 100%有機棉
尺寸: 34 x 35cm
認證: 土耳其進口有機原棉 / OCS認證有機棉
產地: 台灣織造

Additional information


圓點, 方塊

Azure Canvas 藍天畫布

Azure Canvas Organic Cotton is a self-created brand of Azureland Organic Co., Ltd.. Founded in 2006, it is a social enterprise located in Taiwan. The brand spirit focuses on the development of organic cotton clothing and accessories, and promises the vision of “recovering the organic lands”. It is hoped that through the promotion and popularization of organic cotton, more cotton fields will be restored to organic fields, and a positive cycle of clean lands will be opened.
Based on his profound reflection on life, the founder came to his realization after more than ten years of tumbling in the technology industry, and turned to promote green consumption and environmental protection. He initiated from changing cotton products that use the most pesticides, and set restoring organic lands as the highest goal. He looked forward to more and more cotton-growing lands around the world joining organic farming by promoting the organic cotton market. This would achieve a triple win for cultivators, producing sellers and users, and thus gradually it would restore the lands to healthy organic lands.
The pollution of the earth’s environment caused by the high degree of industrialization and technological evolution in the past 100 years has been more than that was created in the history of the earth in the past ten thousands of years. Under the heavy use of pesticides and chemical substances, modern people have seen the damage of these chemicals to environment and lives from the surging cancer population and the generally allergic groups. The use of these harmful substances originates from the daily necessities we eat, drink and wear every day. If we switch to organic products, increase the number of organically cultivated crops and reduce the use of pesticides in farmland, we can reverse the trend of environmental poisoning. We invite you to wear organic cotton and create a clean earth together!

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